The Blue Agave Inn, previously, "La Zarzuela" sits on a beautiful 15 acre Sonoran Desert hill rising eighty feet from an entry drive. A building cut was chosen flanking the highest point. The hill's summit was preserved in a large organizing courtyard which provides needed separation from the main dwelling and casitas. To deal with the hot setting sun, the west face of the courtyard was designed with a low heavy protective breezeway cut two feet below the desert covered courtyard floor. This shelters the casitas from the west sun. The mass and narrow slit of west exposure cools and tempers structures. To enhance passive cooling, a negative edge pool was placed down slope on the east side of a breezeway. This feature helps direct northwest breezes over the pool, cooling surrounding spaces. Stunning view sheds to the Tucson Valley below are provided at north and predominately east exposures.

The regionally derived home is built of softly plastered masonry and colored concrete floors. Exposed ceilings and courtyard roofs are expressed with sandblasted timbers, planking, corbeled ends and supporting wood columns. Its smooth exterior finish of pigmented and stained plasters gives the home an earthen character. Plan elements follow a study of Frank Lloyd Wright and exposed timber design is inspired by the Green and Green Brothers of Pasadena, early 1900's. For current information please visit the Blue Agave @, The general contractor is Pete Zorilla of Tamarron Homes, LLC

copyright 2009 - 2014 WLFA & Assoc. LLC
this page updated 10/11/14